Our new guide for the region of DO Montsant will be available soon and the last six months of work have been dedicated solely towards its creation and release. It’s been a goal of ours since starting the DOQ Priorat guide a year and half ago to eventually create this crucial companion to cover all of this lovely corner of Catalonia and it’s going to happen imminently.
For this guide, we want to try something a bit different. While we normally work to have our books available to purchase in shops and online, this time we’re making use of Kickstarter as well as a similar system in Spain called, Verkami. Essentially, we’re allowing people to pre-order the books well in advance of their official release to make sure that you get them in time for the summer holidays. We’re also offering some other very limited and special rewards for those who would like a personal guided tour of the region by the author.
We’re doing this as something of an experiment to see how well these systems work for us to get our niche books in to the hands of those who want them most: wine lovers. If you can help make this succeed, then we’ll know that it’s another option we have to continue to create new and wonderful guides to exotic wine locations around the world because we have a list down one arm and up the other.
If you’d like to pre-order and participate, please check out the Kickstarter campaign if outside of Spain and the Verkami campaign if living inside Spain. Thank you very much and hope to see you soon!